Visits by partners from the Czech Republic and Poland


At the end of March, international partners from the Czech Republic and Poland visited Utenos kolegija Higher Education Institution.

Representatives of the International Relations Department of Moravian Business College (Olomouc, Czech Republic) met with the administration of the Utenos kolegija Higher Education Institutionand the Faculty of Business and Technology. They discussed the Erasmus+ International Week organised at Moravian Business College with the lecturers who will be travelling to Olomouc in April for the Erasmus+ exchange programme, and presented the College, the study programmes and the opportunities for international exchange to the students of the Business Management and Innovation programme.

Lecturers from the University of Kujawy and Pomorze (Bydgoszcz, Poland) gave lectures to the first year students of Business Management and Innovation, Accounting and Transport and Logistics Business study programmes, and discussed the organisation of studies, research activities, and the development of internationalisation with the faculty staff.