We Invite You to the Erasmus+ International Week





  • Welcome  and opening of the International week on 7th April, 2025.
  • Teaching / training activities  from 7th to 11th April, 2025:

       We expect lecturers to teach min 8 academic hours.

       Trainings will be organized according participants’  staff training programs.

  • International Scientific-Practical Conference for Students and Teachers "HUMANS AND ENVIRONMENT: CHANGES, SOLUTIONS, PERSPECTIVES“ on 8th April 2025. Organizer: Faculty of Business and Technology.  Invitation
  • 5th  International Scientific-Practical Conference EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: FROM HEALTH TO SOCIAL WELL-BEING” on 9th April 2025. Organizer: Faculty of Medicine. Invitation
  • AN EXCURSION ( free of charge for the participants) will be a great opportunity to get to know each other, Lithuanian culture and way of life on 10 April 2025.

Costs. The participants  will cover their travel and accommodation costs.

The Erasmus+ International Week will be organized within the framework of Erasmus+ Teacher and Staff Mobility.

Registration form here