Excursion during International Erasmus+ week


On 24-28 April 2017 Utenos kolegija had a traditional International Erasmus+ week. This year it was a 6th international week!
Utenos kolegija has a beautiful tradition to do an educational-cultural trip around Lithuania during International Erasmus+ weeks. These excursions are for teachers who come to Utena on teaching/training programmes and also for Erasmus+ students to gather together and see more of Lithuania!

This time the excursion was organized on 25th April.

Almost full bus (of 9 teachers, 21 students, 1 guide and 2 drivers) left city of Utena at 7am in the morning. Despite not a very nice weather everybody was excited to explore some beautiful places in Lithuania.

The first stop was in Kaunas and the main destination was a resort town Palanga which is located by the Baltic sea. In between these towns, the international team had an opportunity to see nice churches, castles and hills. We were guided around old town of Kaunas (including Kaunas castle) and the guide told many interesting historical facts about old buildings, great dukes of Lithuania and so on. The most beautiful castle for the students and teachers was the castle of Panemunė. The weather got nicer and everybody could walk around a small lake located close by the castle. Also, everybody got really nice lunch inside the castle of Panemunė and had a chance to talk with each other and share the experiences.

The last stop before going back home was Palanga city and a visit to the Palanga beach. Everybody walked to the end of the famous bridge, enjoyed the waves and did some thrilling pictures to share it with their friends and family. Before leaving the beach, we stopped to make a common photo on the bridge.

After a tasty dinner in one of Palanga restaurants, everybody was ready to go back to Utena.

A long way was waiting for everybody so students from Turkey, India, Bangladesh and Latvia decided to cheer everybody up and began to sing some beautiful national songs. The atmosphere was very warm and pleasant. The rain stopped raining and very late at night the bus safely reached Utena city.

This trip was a great opportunity not only to see more of Lithuania but also to get familiarize with all international team of Utenos kolegija!