E-Learning Centre

The mission of Electronic Learning Center (ELC) is to execute e-learning development of Utenos kolegija Higher Education Institution (Utenos kolegija HEI) by assuring timely, e-learning-related technological and methodological support to Utenos kolegija HEI departments, students, lecturers, Lithuanian and foreign companies, institutions, organizations, associations and private individuals.

The purpose of ELC is to organize the provision of efficient and sustainable electronic studies, teaching/learning and related services to Utenos kolegija HEI employees and students, Lithuanian and foreign companies, institutions, organizations, associations and private individuals.

ELC Functions:

  • to ensure functioning and supervision of Utenos kolegija HEI e-learning environment;
  • to supervise, administer e-learning environments, register users. When registering users, ELC follows the lists of students provided by Department of Studies;
  • to initiate the modernization, implementation and development of technological tools necessary for the functioning of the e-learning environment at Utenos kolegija HEI;
  • to advise organizers of Utenos kolegija HEI projects promoting, expanding and improving the e-learning system at Utenos kolegija HEI. Initiate preparation of the above mentioned projects;
  • to provide administrative, methodological, academic support to Utenos kolegija HEI departments, lecturers and students in planning, organizing and implementing e-learning for Utenos kolegija HEI students, for the Eastern Aukštaitija Region and the country society:
    • to organize didactic and methodological seminars for e-learning providers - lecturers;
    • to provide assistance to lecturers in transferring the subject content to Utenos kolegija HEI virtual learning environment. The lecturer is responsible for the quality of the content;
    • to acquaint the lecturers of Utenos kolegija HEI with the criteria according to which the study subject can be recognized as appropriate for e-learning, to explain the content of the above criteria;
    • to organize procedures for recognition of subjects suitable for e-learning, accreditation
  • to assist and advise Utenos kolegija HEI departments in organizing conferences and seminars, inviting experts to deliver lectures by videoconference;
  • to provide Utenos kolegija HEI management, heads of departments, lecturers with information on the means of e-learning competence development - organized seminars, conferences, trainings, courses, etc.;
  • to acquaint Utenos kolegija HEI management, lecturers with the prevailing methods, tools and trends of the use of e-learning in Europe and in the world;
  • to perform research on the organization, didactics and use of technologies in e-learning;
  • to cooperate with Utenos kolegija HEI faculties and other Utenos kolegija HEI structural and functional subdivisions, Lithuanian and foreign institutions and associations;
  • to organize the publishing of the scientific journal “Insights”;
  • to carry out the tasks of Utenos kolegija HEI management related to ELC purpose and functions;
  • to execute other activities related to the functions of ELC staff.

Utenos kolegija Higher Education Institution uses the following e-learning tools:


Head of EMC

dr. Jūratė Urbonienė

el. paštas jurate99@ukolegija.lt

IT engineers Mantas Mikulėnas

Maironio g. 18, 9th floor,  Utena