Article review

Review is organized by the board of editors of the journal Insights. All articles must be provided until April 30 for issue 1, until September 30 for issue 2  by e-mail to

  1. The chief (or responsible) editor of the scientific journal, following the requirements set by the journal, within 14 days from the submission of the article performs a preliminary evaluation of the articles. Only preliminarily selected articles are submitted for review. The article submitted to the journal of scientific works is reviewed by two reviewers, who are selected by the editorial board from experts in the author's field of study. Reviewers are appointed confidentially (reviewers do not know who the authors of the reviewed article are; authors do not know who reviewed the submitted article). Up to 60 days are allocated to prepare the review, counting from the day of submission of the article to the reviewer.
  2. After the review, taking into account the comments made in the review, the article can be returned to the authors for correction. The correction of the article, taking into account the reviewers' comments and their quantity, takes up to 3 weeks from the day the article is returned to the author. The revised article must be submitted by e-mail to (corrections must be marked in a different colour, reasoned answers to the reviewer can be submitted in a separate document).
  3. The final decision on the publication of the article or the appointment of an additional reviewer is made by the editor-in-chief (board of editors, when the editor-in-chief submits to examine conflicting situations) after taking into account the reviewers' recommendations and the author's corrections.

Review form