The group of study fields: Agricultural Sciences
Field of study program: Agriculture
Code of study program: 6531IX007
Type of study program: Undergraduate (college) study programme
Cycle of study program: Professional Bachelor degree programme

Language of study program: Lithuanian, English, Russian
Credits and form of study program: 180 credits. Full- time studies-3 years, part- time studies-4 years.

The graduates will be able work:

  • in various areas of agriculture production manufacturing;

  • manage the manufacturing, storing and realisation of agriculture production;
  • organise the activities of enterprise ( subdivision).

Programme purpose is - to train and educate Professional Bachelour of Agriculture Technologies, able to apply modern agriculture technologies and prevention measures in the professional activity, able to analyse and creatively apply acquired knowledge as well as constantly learning under conditions of the establishing knowledge society.

Intended learning outcomes of the study programme:

1. Knowledge and its application

  •  Will acquire the natural and physical science knowledge to know and understand the agricultural technology essential concepts and theoretical foundations, and apply them in decision-making in working life; 
  • Grounding in the agricultural production methods, know and associate agricultural technology direction knowledge.
2. Research skills  
  •  Perform technological process;
  •  Evaluate the quality of the work; 
  •  Investigate the market of  agricultural products.
3. Special abilities

  •  Evaluate plant growing technological processes;
  •  Evaluate cattle breeding technological processes;
  •  Choose agricultural technique and buildings.
  • Organize storage and realization of agricultural production; 
  •  Organize the enterprise management process.

The Specialization of Renewable energy production and management 

  • Plan and organize renewable energy processes; 
  • Select and adapt renewable energy sources in agriculture; 
  •  Assess the benefits of renewable energy sources for agriculture.

The Specialization of Organization of Agriculture Activity 

  •  Plan and organize the efficient factors of agricultural production utilization; 
  •  Analyze and monitor the availability of material resources.

4. Social abilities 

  •  Communicate with plant-growing and cattle-breading specialists and the wider community, will understand the importance of lifelong learning; 
  •  Assesses the business environment and opportunities grounding in basic project management and business aspects of the technology at the operational level.

5. Personal abilities
  •  Self will learn, communicate for native and foreign language, will use information technology, professional ethical principles in analyzing and summarizing the results; 
  •  Find, collect, systematize and analyze agricultural activity required the latest information in databases and other sources.

Full- time studies

1 year 1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Psychology/Sociology Contemporary Lithuanian and Document Management
Professional Foreign Language Professional Foreign Language
Mathematics Law
Industrial and Civil Safety Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Electronic Data Processing Fundamentals of Management 3
Fundamentals of Biology and Biochemistry Planting Technologies 6
Cognitive Practice Cognitive Practice 3
2 year 3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Ecology 3 Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance 8
Planting Technologies 7 Horticulture and Olericulture Technologies 3
Fundamentals of Seed Farming 3 Cattle-Breading Technologies 7
Fundamentals of Veterinary 3 Mechanization of Farms 5
Cattle-Breading Technologies 6 Practice of Farming Technologies 4
Practice of Farming Technologies 5 Optional Subjects 3
Optional Subjects 3
3 year 5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Company Economy 4 Professional Ethics 3
Marketing 5 Agricultural Policy 3
Mechanization of Farms 3 Final Practice 9
Practice of Mechanization of Farms 6 Optional Subjects 3
Specialization Subjects:

Specialization Subjects     

Marketing Research

1. Logistics of Agriculture Products 4 Preparation and Defence of Final Work 9
2. Financial Accounting 5
3. Project Management 3

Part time  studies

1 year 1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Psychology/Sociology 3 Contemporary Lithuanian and Document Management 4
Professional Foreign Language 3 Professional Foreign Language 3
Mathematics 6 Fundamentals of Biology and Biochemistry 4
Electronic Data Processing 3 Ecology 3
Fundamentals of Biology and Biochemistry 5 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Cognitive Practice 3 Cognitive Practice 3
2 year 3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Industrial and Civil Safety 3 Company Economy 4
Fundamentals of Management 3 Planting Technologies 7
Planting Technologies 6 Cattle-Breading Technologies 7
Cattle-Breading Technologies 6 Practice of Farming Technologies 4
Practice of Farming Technologies 5
3 year 5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Marketing 5 Law 6
Mechanization of Farms 8 Agricultural Policy 3
Practice of Mechanization of Farms 6 Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance 8
Optional Subjects 3 Horticulture and Olericulture Technologies 3
Fundamentals of Seed Farming 3
4 year 7 semester 8 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Ethics 3 Optional Subjects 3
Fundamentals of Veterinary 3

Specialization Subject

Optional Subjects 3 Final Practice 9
Specialization Subjects: Preparation and Defence of Final Work 9
1 Specialization Subject 4
2 Specialization Subject 5
3 Specialization Subject 3

 Freely chosen subject are selected according to The List of Freely Chosen Subjects and their descriptions

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