The group of study fields: Business and Public Management
Field of study program: Business
Code of study program: 6531LX074
Type of study program: Undergraduate (college higher education) study programme
Cycle of study program: Professional Bachelor degree programme

Language of study program: Lithuanian, English
Credits and form of study program: 180 credits. Full-time studies - 3 years, part-time studies - 4 years.

Upon completion of Transport Business study programme, graduates receive Professional Bachelor in Transport and Logistics.

Professional opportunities:

Specialists of Transport Business will be able to work in many transport enterprises and its subdivisions as managers and carry out these functions:

  • organize transport activities, implement projects, transport business inovations, manage transport business information;
  • carry out decisions to ensure good quality activities;
  • prepare and manage documents necessary for business and its relations;
  • organize employers job;
  • analyze transportation and international marketing situation in various markets;
  • communicate with various business partners, clients, suppliers, also in abroad.

Also, graduates will be able to:

  • create and manage small and medium size transport business enterprises;
  • After receiving Professional Bachelor in Transport and Logistics, continue their studies in VGTU, KTU and other universities.

The main objective of Transport Business study program is to prepare the specialist who is able to apply managerial, technological and information transport business development processes in the professional activity, having the general skills allowing to adapt to the changing business environment conditions and labour market requirements; to educate a wide range of creative and critical thinking, positive attitude for professional and personal development through lifelong learning.

Learning outcomes:

1. Organize business activity and conduct management functions in the areas characteristic to contemporary transport business areas;

2. Know how and be able to organize people and groups work developing business in transport companies;

3. Prepare and implement projects and plans to improve transport services, initiate and implement transport business innovations;

4. Manage transport business information, prepare and manage documents required for the business and business relations development;

5. Make decisions, giving priorities to the international transport business management and administration.

Students having chosen one of the specializations offered to them which reach a specific aim characteristic to the particular specialization:

6. To organize an expeditionary service and customs clearance forwarding international cargo on domestic routes and apply information management systems for the transport business;

7. To establish and develop passenger transport company and to ensure the quality of tourism services in Lithuania and abroad.

Students of Transport Business study program study these subjects:

Full-time studies:

1st year
1st semester 2nd semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Foreign Language 4 Professional Foreign Language 4
Business Communication and Ethics 5 Psychology 3
Applied Mathematics 6 Module: Research and IT
Philosophy 3 Social Research 4
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 6 Statistical Data Analysis and IT 5
Business Communication Practice 6 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 5
Practice of Transport Enterprise Activity 6
Transport Law 3
2nd year
3rd semester 4th semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Management of Transport Business Documentation 3 Human Resource Management 3
Fundamentals of Management 6 Service Marketing 3
Fundamentals of Transport Technics 5 Finances and Credits 5
Fundamentals of Accounting 4 Means of Transport 4
Transport Ecology 3 Human Safety and Ergonomics 3
Transport System 6 Cognitive Practice of Vehicle Technical Maintenance 6
Optional Subject 3 Professional Skills Training Practice 6
3rd year
5th semester 6th semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Fundamentals of Logistics 5 Final Practice 9
Risk Insurance 4 Specialization module
Quality Management 3 I module subject 5
Transport Knots and Terminals 5 II module subject 4
Economics of Transport Enterprises 5 III module subject 3
Business Project Development Practice 5 Preparation and Defence of the Final Thesis 9
Optional subject 3

Part-time studies:

1st year
1st semester 2nd semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Foreign Language 4 Professional Foreign Language 4
Philosophy/Sociology 3 Human Safety and Ergonomics 3
Applied Mathematics 6 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 4
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 6 Business Communication and Ethics 5
Transport System 6
2nd year
3rd semester 4th semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Psychology 3 Management of Transport Business Documentation 3
Module: Research and IT
Fundamentals of Management 6
Social Research 4 Means of Transport 4
Statistical Data Analysis and IT 6 Economics of Transport Enterprises 5
Fundamentals of Transport Technics 5 Practice of Transport Enterprise Activity 6
Business Communication Practice 6
3rd year
5th semester 6th semester
Credits Subject Kreditai
Transport Law 3 Finances and Credits 5
Human Resource Management 3 Fundamentals of Logistics 5
Service Marketing 3 Transport Knots and Terminals 5
Fundamentals of Accounting 4 Cognitive Practice of Vehicle Technical Maintenance 6
Professional Skills Training Practice 6
Optional Subject 3
Transport Ecology 3
4th year
7th semester 8th semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Risk Insurance 4 Business Project Development Practice 5
Optional Subject 3 Final Practice 9
Quality Management 3 Preparation and Defence of the Final Thesis 9
Specialization module
I module subject 5
II module subject 4
III module subject 3

Other subject descriptions:

Freely chosen subject are selected according to the List of Freely Chosen Subjects and their descriptions.

The students of the last year (course) can choose from these specialization modules: Transport Expeditionary Service Management, Passenger Transport and Tourism Business.

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