Admission to Postdiploma studies

Foreigners who have studied and, for various reasons, have not graduated from a higher school, college, or other higher education institution, or have graduated and wish to study another study program (specialization) or continue their studies at a higher level, are admitted to a higher course.

Persons wishing to enter a higher course have to submit the documents specified in Chapter IV of these Rules Required Documents. It is not necessary to approve a higher education diploma with an annex or appendix or a study certificate from the higher education institution with which Utena University has signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement by the established procedure

Admission to the course (semester) in which there are no more than three differences in the subjects of the study program, but not more than 30 credits. These differences are allowed to be eliminated during the studies before the beginning of the examination session.

Learning outcomes are credited by the University's credit transfer procedure and/or the Description of the University's non-formal and informal learning competencies related to higher education assessment and recognition procedure approved by the College's Academic Council.

Information about the study results of the person intending to study is provided to the head of the university's department, who compares the taught subjects and credits them.

The head of the department, following the student's request, diploma supplement, study certificate and/or subject descriptions, documents proving the competencies acquired in the non-formal adult education system, evaluates the compliance of study results with the subject requirements of the desired study program and records the decision in the form.

Upon receipt of the card for study results, the admission of a student must be carried out according to the procedure:


Citizens of the Member States of the European Union, European Economic Area countries:

filled standard application;

copies of personal identification document (passport or ID) certified by the notary or other adequate institution;

original documents or copies confirmed by the notary of not lower than

high/secondary school graduation certificate (certificate, diploma and their supplements). The papers should be translated into English or Russian languages. The translation has to be certified by the notary (or other adequate institution).

payment receipt of the admission fee (original) or its copy;

documents proving the change of name or surname or copy authorized by the notary in case the documents certifying the obtained education are issued under other name and (or) surname;

Documents issued by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education

evidencing secondary education or equivalent received in non-Lithuanian higher education school (according to the Government Act of the Republic of Lithuania No. 212 of February, 2012 ” On approving regulations of evaluating and recognizing qualifications gained abroad which grant the right to higher education and qualification of higher education” (Official Gazette, 2012, Nr. 12891290);

to apply to the Study Quality Assessment Centre (further - SKVC) regarding the recognition of education acquired in foreign institutions (recognition of education is not required: graduates of the European Baccalaureate Diploma Program; for those who have acquired the qualifications Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību in general secondary education or Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību in secondary education since 2019 in the Republic of Latvia; who have obtained the qualifications Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus or Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistusin the Republic of Estonia since 2019).