The group of study fields: Law
Field of study program: Law
Code of study program: 6531KX007
Type of study program: Undergraduate (college higher education) study programme
Cycle of study program: Professional Bachelor degree programme

Language of study program: Lithuanian, English
Credits and form of study program: 180 credits, Full-time studies - 3 years, part-time studies - 4 years.

Upon completion of Law study programme, graduates receive Professional Bachelor of Law.

The acquired qualification of the lawyer enables to work as a pretrial investigation officer, customs official, manager and specialist of the personnel office, an assistant of the bailiff, official in municipality administrative bodies, in judicial institutions, the State Social Insurance Fund pension sections in territorial divisions, or as a lawyer in private enterprises.

Law Study Programme aim is to educate a highly qualified lawyer, able to work independently in a job requiring personal responsibility in various areas of legal professional activity, applying theoretical and practical knowledge of the law, thinking in a critical and creative manner, accepting innovations, aware of the essence and purpose of the law, and who knows and is able to apply the legislative acts.

 Learning outcomes of the study programme:

1.1. Familiar with the fundamentals of the theory and history of law;

1.2. Familiar with the fundamentals of international public and private law and the European Union’s law;

1.3. Familiar with the principles of national constitutional and ordinary law and the contents of the most important institutions;

1.4. Familiar with the fundamentals of the lawyer’s professional ethics;

1.5. Able to apply the acquired knowledge in the field of law in their professional activities and for solution of particular legal problems;

1.6. Possess basic knowledge of the second (professional) language;

1.7. Possess basic knowledge of some social sciences and humanities areas and are able to apply it;

2.1. Able to analyse problems;

2.2. Able to carry out scientific empirical research, to form the research tasks and objectives, to raise and check hypotheses, collecting and analysing data, and making conclusions;

2.3. Able to collect information from various resources and to analyse it with the help of modern information technologies and databases;

3.1. Able to analyse various legal documents and to evaluate their period of validity and territorial cover, their validity for the individuals as well as to identify specific legal rules, governing the activity of the persons;

3.2. Able to represent the persons in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics and to use the confidential information appropriately, through application of internal and environmental resources;

4.1. Able to assess critically own and others’ activities, knowledge and values;

4.2. Able to express themselves orally and in writing using the correct language, in which the studies are conducted, and to express their thoughts in that language fluently;

4.3. Able to communicate and cooperate efficiently with the specialists of own and other areas;

4.4. Able to solve the tasks arising in practical activities impartially;

5.1. Able to learn in the selected area of activity independently by choosing a field of improvement;

5.2. Able to create new ideas in practical activities and to adjust to novelties and changing conditions;

5.3. Able to plan their own time and to organize their work;

5.4. Ready to assume general ethical obligations related to fairness and dutifulness.


 Students of Law study programme study these subjects:

Full-time studies:

1st year
1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Political Science 3 Professional Foreign Language 3
Fundamentals of Law Theory 6 Logic and Social Research 3
History of Lithuanian Law 3 Civil Law 4
Constitutional Law of the Republic of Lithuania 8 Labor Law 8
Professional Ethics 3 Social Security Law 6
Appplication of Information Technologies in the Professional Activity (Practice) 3 General and Law Psychology 3
Law Enforcement Institutions of the Republic of Lithuania 4 Practice of Law Enforcement Institutions Activity 3
2nd year
3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Language Culture and Management of Documents 3 Administrative Procedure Law 4
Introduction into Philosophy/Introduction into Sociology 3 Criminal Law 8
Administrative Law 6 Criminal Procedure Law 6
Civil Law 6 Professional Skills Training Practice 9
Civil Procedure Law 6 Optional Subject 3
Practice of Juridical Documents Management 6
3rd year
5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Financial Law 6 Module: Euroepean Union and International Law
Verslo teisė 6
  • European Union Law
Module: Euroepean Union and International Law 8
  • International Law
  • European Union Law
4 Module: Pretrial Investigation/Activity of Legal Service
  • International Law
  • Criminology/Business Activity Organization
Optional Subject 3
  • Qualification of Criminal Acts/Personnel Work Organization
Module: Pretrial Investigation/Activity of Legal Service 10
  • Forensic Medicine/Civil Contracts and Litigation
  • Criminology/Business Activity Organization
4 Qualification Examination (Constitutional Law) 2
  • Qualification of Criminal Acts/Personnel Work Organization
4 Qualification Examination (by Specialization) 2
  • Forensic Medicine/Civil Contracts and Litigation
2 Qualification Examination from the Specialization 6

Part-time studies:

1st year
1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Political Science 3 Introduction into Philosophy/Introduction into Sociology 3
Professional Foreign Language 3 Fundamentals of Law Theory 6
Logic and Social Research 3 History of Lithuanian Law 3
Law Enforcement Institutions of the Republic of Lithuania 4 Constitutional Law of the Republic of Lithuania 8
Professional Ethics 3 Practice of Law Enforcement Institutions Activity 3
Application of Information Technologies in the Professional Activity 3
2nd year
3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Language Culture and Management of Documents 3 Administrative Procedure Law 4
Administrative Law 6 Civil Law 6
Civil Law 4 Labor Law 8
Social Security Law 6 Practice of Juridical Documents Management 6
General and Law Psychology 6
3rd year
5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Criminal Law 8 Criminal Procedure Law 6
Civil Procedure Law 6 Module: International and European Union Law
Module International and European Union Law
  • European Union Law
  • European Union Law
  • International Law
  • International Law
4 Professional Skills Training Practice 9
Optional Subject 6 Optional Subject 3
4th year
7 semester 8 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Module: Pretrial Investigation/Activity of Legal Service 10 Module: Pretrial Investigation/Activity of Legal Service 5
  • Criminology/Business Activity Organization
  • Criminology/Business Activity Organization
  • Qualification of Criminal Acts/Personnel Work Organization
  • Qualification of Criminal Acts/Personnel Work Organization
  • Forensic Medicine/Civil Contracts and Litigation

  • Forensic Medicine/Civil Contracts and Litigation
Financial Law

6 Final Practice 9
Business Law 6 Qualification Examination (Constitutional Law) 2
Qualification Examination (by Specialization) 2
Qualification Examination from the Specialization 6

 Freely chosen subject are selected according to The List of Freely Chosen Subjects and their descriptions.

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