Management of Tourism Services

The group of study fields: Business and Public Management
Field of study program: Tourism and Leisure
Code of study program: 6531LX122
Type of study program: Undergraduate (college higher education) study programme
Cycle of study program: Professional Bachelor degree programme

Language of study program: Lithuanian, English, Russian
Credits and form of study program: 180 credits. Full-time studies - 3 years, part-time studies - 4 years.

Upon completion of Management of Tourism Services study program, graduates receive Professional Bachelor of Business Management.

Tourism sector is getting more popular in Lithuania and in all the world. Every year millions of people are traveling and using tourism services. There are many new tourism enterprises in Lithuania every year - hotels, restaurants, shopping centres, and the existing eterprises are expanding their business also. That's why they need high qualified specialists who have the tourism related education and qualification.

There is established a modern practical placement in Utena Univeristy of Applied Sciences - Training Hospitality Centre, which has hotel rooms, training kitchen, training bar, reception, modern technologies.

During the studies students have an opportunity to have their practices in the high standards hotels abroad (e.g., Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Austria, Spain, etc.), can go for exchange studies in other higher education institutions located in Bulgaria, Turkey, Latvia, Portugal and other countries.

Utena College is a member of SPACE, an international association of European higher education schools, so students have the opportunity to take exam for receiving the SPACE diploma in Eurobusiness, Eurotourism or Eurolanguages. Utena College is also the official representative of the international EURHODIP association, uniting more than 150 of the best hospitality training institutions from 39 countries in the world, in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia).

Students develop their specialty practical skills in located at the faculty base imitation companies (IB), where they have the opportunity to obtain international Europen Pen-International certificates (recognized in over 40 countries worldwide), attend national and international IB fairs, and improve their creativity, entrepreneurship, and communication skills.

During the studies we work with specialized computer programs applied in the tourism business Rezervation Partner, Presta, Amadeus and others.

Each year students organize and participate in excursions to Lithuania and neighbouring countries.

During studies students are provided with the following opportunities:

  • Attend student international and national conferences.
  • Participate in student representation activities.
  • Listen to lectures by tourism practitioners and attend meetings with celebrities.
  • Organize and participate in events.

Having graduated from Management of Tourism Services study program study programme, it is possible to work in hospitality companies (hotels, rural tourism homesteads and other accommodation establishments, catering companies), travel companies, tourism information centers, protected area visitor centers, entertainment and event companies, tourism and recreation departments of state institutions and other tourism services companies. The studies also provide all the knowledge you need to start your own tourism business.

The main objective of Management of Tourism Services study program is to train professionals, meeting regional, national, international labour market needs, capable to organise and develop high-quality and competitive tourism services under global digitisation and innovation growth conditions.

After graduation students will:

  1. Understand modern tourism business tendencies and tourism business environment, capable to analyse it.
  2. Aware of tourism geography, principles of the tourism service package as well as the travel itinerary and programme designing, identifying the needs of the market and of individual tourists.
  3. Understand and know how to apply tourism business legislation, principles of the social responsibility, ethics and valuable attitudes in the professional activity.
  4. Perform research, applying the latest research methods, codify, process, analyse the obtained data and know how to use them for the identification of the tourism business enterprise issues and their solution.
  5. Able to organise and develop economic and financial activity of tourism entities, operating in the domestic and international markets, to manage processes and make decisions in the changing tourism business environment.
  6. Capable to use applications and smart technologies in the professional activity and disseminate the information for the society by modern means and by various information channels.
  7. Design tourism service packages and organise accommodation, catering, travel and leisure services at a tourism company, evaluating different tourists’ needs and considering appropriate measures.
  8. Able to conduct negotiations, conclude agreements with clients and providers of tourism services, to ensure effective sales of tourism services.
  9. Able to express the views fluently and impressively in the Lithuanian and foreign languages orally and in writing, interact and cooperate with professionals in a range of fields and to representatives of societal groups, efficiently communicate in the professional and inter-cultural environment.
  10. Able to work in a team, to take responsibility for the quality of own or subordinate employee’s activities, to follow social justice principles, professional ethics and citizenship, foster ethno-cultural and intercultural relations in the professional activity.
  11. Able to learn continuously, understand selves in the public context and act in a responsible manner in the dynamic tourism business environment.
  12. Pursue to be a leader, able to analyse and critically assess strategies of the chosen activity, to establish objectives, formulate targets and foresee the most efficient ways and measures for their achievements.
Full-time studies:
1st year
1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Philosophy/Sociology 3 Professional Foreign Language
(English, German)
Professional Foreign Language
(English, German)
6 Foreign Language II (English, German, Russian) 4
Psychology of Communication 3 Media Technologies 5
Social Research and Statistical Data Analysis 4 Intercultural Communication and Negotiation 3
Fundamentals of Tourism 6 Catering Services 5
Business Language 5 Business Law 4
Environmental and Human Safety 3 Micro-Macro Economics 5
2nd year
3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Accommodation Services 4 Basics of entrepreneurship 4
Services of Travel Organization 5 Tourism Service Management 4
Travel Geography 5 Marketing of Tourism Services 4
Leisure Organization 4 Tourism Innovations 4
Entrepreneurship Education 6 Internship in a Tourism Company 14
Optional Subject 3    
3rd year
5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Basics of final thesis preparation 4 Final Practice 10
Sustainable tourism 4 Specialization Module  
Optional Subject 3 I module subject 4
Specialization Module   II module subject 4
I module subject 6 III module subject 5
II module subject 6 Preparation and Defence of the Final Thesis 7
III module subject 4    
Preparation of the Final Thesis 3    
Part-time studies:
1st year
1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Philosophy /Sociology 3 Professional Foreign Language (E, G) 4
Professional Foreign Language (E, G) 6 Foreign Language II (E, G, R) 3
Psychology of Communication 3 Fundamentals of Tourism 6
Fundamentals of Tourism 5 Catering Services 5
Micro-Macro Economics 5 Travel Geography 5
2nd year
3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Foreign Language II (E, G, R) 4 Intercultural Communication and Negotiation 3
Social Research and Statistical Data Analysis 4 Business Law 4
Media Technologies 5 Accommodation Services 4
Services of Travel Organization 5 Leisure Organization 4
Tourism innovations 4 Project Management 5
    Optional Subject 3
3rd year
5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Environmental and Human Safety 3 Accounting and Finance 5
Basics of entrepreneurship 4 Quality Assurance 4
Tourism Service Management 4 Internship in a Tourism Company 14
Marketing of tourism services 4    
Sustainable Tourism 5    
Optional subject 3    
4th year
7 semester 8 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Specialization  Module   Entrepreneurship Education Practice 6
I Module subject 6 Final Practice 10
II Module subject 6 Final thesis preparation and evaluation 8
III Module subject 6    
Basics of final thesis preparation 2    

The students of the last year (course) can choose from these alternatively an optional modules:

  • An alternative of Hospitality Service Management;
  • An Alternative of Travel and Leisure Services Organization

 Freely chosen subject are selected according to The List of Freely Chosen Subjects and their descriptions.


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