The group of study fields: Health Sciences
Field of study program: Oral Care
Code of study program: 6531GX029
Type of study program: Undergraduate (college higher education) study programme
Cycle of study program: Professional Bachelor degree

Language of study program: Lithuanian
Credits and form of study program: 180 credits, full-time (3 years)

The program is implemented by the Department of Nursing and Dental Care of the Faculty of Medicine.

Qualification to be awarded: Professional Bachelor of Health Sciences,  qualification of Dental Assistant.

Advantage. Study.  The study programme continuously updates teaching and assessment methods and introduces evidence-based practice. The programme is organised as a full-time study programme. Practical training is carried out in sub-groups, which allows you to combine your studies with work.

Advantage. Real experience. Students learn oral care procedures and patient care skills in a 'learning together' team: dental assistant+dental hygienist, under the guidance of a practising dentist, using the English method of teaching - known as 'dental team' - to build teamwork skills. Modern assisting methods are used: 'four-handed working' - assisting the dentist or oral hygienist; 'six-handed working' - two dental assistants assisting the dentist at the same time. In addition to the simulation classes, practical skills are taught in the college dental office, alongside the dentist providing services to patients. Participation in social projects to teach the public about good oral care. During their studies, students carry out professional practices in various dental clinics in Utena, Vilnius, Rokiškis, Visaginas, etc.

Advantage. Experience abroad. Students go to Germany, Latvia, etc. for study and practice.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the odontological care study programme will be able to work in personal health care institutions of all levels of health care, licensed by the institution's personal health care license to provide dental care (assistance) services.
Successful completion of the Odontological Care Study Programme will provide individuals with the professional skills to perform complex work independently and to make the right decisions in the following areas of activity: assisting a dentist or a dental hygienist of various specialisations; identifying risk factors for dental diseases and implementing prevention programmes; organising the work of the clinic and professional development.

Further study opportunities. After graduating from the Odontological Care Collegiate Study Programme and obtaining a professional bachelor's degree in health sciences, graduates can continue their studies at Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions.

Employment opportunities.  The demand for these specialists remains both in Lithuania and in other EU countries, as one dentist must have one dental assistant in order to ensure the quality of services provided. The employment rate according to the acquired qualification reaches ~ 90%.

In Lithuania, the training of the first dental assistants started at Utena College. This study program has been implemented for more than two decades.

The aim of  study programme - to prepare high quality dental assistants that are able to assist the dentist or odontology specialist, independently perform intra-oral procedures without exceeding limits of their competence, to ensure care and prevention of dental  health, teach to healthy lifestyle and promote  the prestige of the profession. 

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge and ability to apply it. A graduate:

  • is aware of the national and international health monitoring policy, normative documents, which regulate the place of work, environment and safety at work and is aware of the limits of professional activity and responsibility;
  • is able to integrate knowledge of biomedical science forming perception of human growth, development and health, and knowledge of dental care practice

Research skills. A graduate:

  • is able to collect, interpret and store the applied research data necessary for oral health and care and to apply the research results to solve the particular oral care problems and makes suggestions to the colleagues;

Special abilities. A graduate:

  • is able to assure control of infections, and follows the requirements of normative documents regulating the job of dental assistant; 
  • is able to use the dental equipment, devices, instruments and materials for their intended purpose;
  • is able to recognise oral and dental diseases and applies different diagnostic methods for different groups of patients;
  • is able to fill in the professional documentation, collects the patient’s life and health anamnesis, and evaluates main vital parameters;
  • is able to assist dental practitioners, specialised dental practitioners or dental hygienists performing various procedures of dental treatment;
  • is able to operate dental X-ray and diagnostic machines;
  • is able to recognise the cases dangerous to life, to respond to them appropriately, and to provide the necessary medical aid;
  • is able to teach the patients the rules of healthy life style, rational nutrition, oral care, and to teach them to be responsible for own health;
  • is able to plan, coordinate and control the organisational processes of the institution providing dental services (registration of patients and employees’ activities, their coordination, advertising, supply of aids, etc.), and applies modern information technologies

Social skills. A graduate:

  • is able to communicate and cooperate efficiently with health care and other specialists and the patients, creating the full-rate relationships and solving the oral health problems and to create new ideas;
  • is able to express own thoughts in writing and orally, to communicate in the professional environment of oral care specialist in Lithuanian and at least one foreign language;

Personal abilities. A graduate:

  • is able to assess critically own professional practice, is able to solve the problems independently, and to act in particular clinically defined situation using the practical skills;
  • is able to collect and systemise information, to use the advanced technologies and information systems in practical activities, and to handle the confidential information properly.

Study subjects (modules), practical training:

Full-time study

1 year

1 semester  2 semester 
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Environment 6 Safety of Human 3
Professional Language 6 Basics of Biochemistry, Immunology & Genetics 3
Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology 6 Dental Health & Prevention of Dental Diseases 6
Communication & Medicine Psychology 3 Pharmacology & Phytotherapy 3
Infection Control in Dentistry 9 Introduction into Clinical Dentistry 6
Work with Odontological Equipment & Materials Practice 9

2 year

3 semester  4 semester 
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Improving & Education of Community Health 6 Dental Diseases & Analgesia  6
Basics of Clinical Subjects 6 Dental Radiology 6
Quality Management &
Administration of Dental Care Facilities
6 Applied Research Methodology 6
First Medical Aid 3 Optional Subject 3
Alternative Elective Subject: Foreign language (English, German, French, Norwegian) 3 Dental Treatment Methods Practice 6
Optional Subject 3 Nursing Practice 3
Optional Subject 3

3 year

5 semester  6 semester 
Subject Credits Dalykas Credits
Dental Surgery & Assisting during Implantation 9 Endodontics 3
Prosthetic Dentistry 6 Children's Dental Aid 3
Fundamentals of Odontological Care Graduate Thesis Preparation 3 Periodontology 6
Dental Assistant’ Activities Practice 12 Final Practice & Supervision 9
Final Exam 3
Professional Bachelor Graduate Thesis 6

Freely chosen subjects are selected from the List of Freely Chosen Subjects and their descriptions.

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